Your purchase comes with 30 days returns for unwanted items and 364 days warranty. Within the first 30 days you are entitled to a full refund if a fault occurs. You can still ask for the item to be repaired and returned, instead of a full refund, if you want.
After 30 days-
After the first 30 days up to 364 days. Please contact me at fjip.cs@gmail.com with your order ID, (as printed on your invoice). Please state the nature of the fault and repackage your item. The 364 days warranty must be organised by contacting the above email address with your order ID. You will be required to pay postage to send the item for warranty claims but the return postage will be covered by the seller. Parts and labour will be covered under the 364 days warranty. The seller is permitted 2 repair attempts for the same fault before a refund/replacement is due. In the event that a repair is not possible in the first instance. A replacement may be offered.
If you need any more information, please do contact the above email, (fjip.cs@gmail.com) for further details.
Thank you again for your purchase and enjoy!